I had been on a 3 day-2 night bvacation/b to Las Vegas. 'Everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas', so I don't want to brag a lot about it. But I have to say the lunch buffet at 'The Rio' was awesome. Theres a whole of items on the menu to try from. b..../b My Indian Store guy has some supplier for bPatra/b leaves on request. Manjula Manjula. January 07, 2007 ? Dhana said... I have been dying to eat patholi for so long now! Can't wait to try out this recipe! ...
The nap cabins (Napcabs) are private mini bhotel/b rooms that were developed by five students for the 2007 Innovation Competition held by the Technical University of Munich.. For 15 Euros per hour (minimum purchase of 30 Euros/2 hours), b.../b